ART Scientific and Industry Collaborators
Scientific collaboration has been critical in our advances in stem cell therapies.
Collaborators in a recent prospective multi-center clinical trial were pivotal in assessing the long-term benefit of stem cell therapy.
- Colorado State University Orthopeadic Research Center – Drs. McIlwraith, Kawcak & Goodrich as well as Drs. Frisbie & Kisiday
- Oakridge Equine Hospital – Drs. Brent Hague, Michael Major and Chad Zubrod
- Texas A&M University – Dr. Jeffrey Watkins
- Washington State University – Dr. Robert Schneider
- Veterinary Referral Center of Colorado-Veterinary Surgical Services – Drs. Chad Devitt, Brian
VanVechten and Tara Britt have treated over 100 canine orthopedic cases with ART. They have
been instrumental in helping us to advance our canine bone marrow aspiration techniques as well as providing valuable input on rehabilitation protocols. In addition, they are currently compiling long term follow-up data for future publication. - Steadman Philippon Research Institute – Drs. Steadman and Rodkey in a collaborative study with CSU found long-term augmentation of current cartilage resurfacing techniques (subchondral bone microfracture) with the intraarticular injection of stem cells.
- BioVison – Mr. John Small. BioVision has been instrumental in advancing diagnostic conditions relative to orthopedic injuries.
- 2F-Stem Cells GmbH – Dr. Holger Fischer and staff at 2F are involved in providing bone marrow-derived stem cell services to the European marketplace.
- Canine Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation Service – Colorado State University
Juliette Hart, DVM, CCRT, CVA
Sasha Foster, MSPT, CCRT
Felix Duerr, DVM, MS, CCRT, DACVS-SA, DECVS, DACVSMR - James L. Voss Veterinary Teaching Hospital
300 W. Drake Rd
Ft. Collins, CO 80523
email: [email protected]
phone: (970) 297-5000